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  • 广东专插本英语+管理学练习题




    1.广义的计划不包括( )

        A.制订计划    B.执行计划    C.检查计划    D.预算    E.指导性计划

    2.以下不属于计划层次体系的是( )

        A.目标    B.程序    C.控制    D.沟通    E.战略

    3.过去发生的实践中探求事物发展的一般规律其基本方法有( )

        A.德尔菲法    B.演绎法    C.决策树法   D.归纳法    E.以上都正确   

    4。拟订和选择可行的行动计划的内容包括( )    

        A.拟订可行性行动计划    B.评估计划

        c.选定计划    D.实施计划       E.确定目标

    5.计划的性质可以概括为( )    

    A.目的性    B.首位性    C.复杂性    D.效率性    E.普遍性








    91.The rise in the price of raw material will _____ the market.

    A) affect    B) effect

    C) confirm    D) depress

    92. A historical novel is a form of ______, which may include many facts.

    A) legend    B) tale

    C) myth    D) fiction

    93. All of us had been exhausted but felt considerably ______ after a meal and a rest.

    A) relieved    B) refreshed

    C) recreated    D) renewed

    94. It is really impolite to ______ when someone is speaking to you on the phone.

    A) hold up     B) give up  

    C) hang up     D) hang on

    95. I was sorry to see that you were ______ me as if I had been a criminal.

    A) regarding    B) tre

    C) thinking      D) considering

    96. Since many students like to fin an apartment near the University, there are very few _____ apartments in the area.

    A) free    B) empty

    C) bare    D) vacant

    97. The invention of the train enabled many more people to travel ______.

    A) independently   B) freely

    C) readily      D) free

    98. Our compass and maps proved ______ to us in the walking tours.

    A) valuable      B) worth

    C) profitable      D) valueless

    99. As one of the four ______ of the company he often had to attend important policy meetings.

    A) directors     B) bosses

    C) presidents   D) governors

    100. Under the Constitution, government can not interfere ______ the private lives of citizens.

    A) in B) into 

    C) with D) of


    curve* n 曲/弧线;v(使)弯曲

    damp* a 潮湿的;n 潮湿

    dash* v/n 飞奔;猛掷;

    data* n 数据;资料

    database 数据

    deadline 截止时间;界限

    dealer* 商人;贩子

    debate* 辩论;讨论

    decay* 腐烂;衰落

    deceive* 欺骗

    decrease 减少(小)

    defence / defense* 击败;使落空

    defend 保卫;为…辩护

    definite 明确的;肯定的

    delegate* 代表;委员/


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