四种题型及命题形式 ①The main idea of this text may be… ②This passage is mainly about… ③The author's purpose in writing this text… ④Which of the following is the best title for the passage? ⑤What's the topic of the text? ⑥The passage gives us is… 把握全段、文思想; 留意,关注段首、段尾或位于段中的句子,捕捉主题句; 不能断章取义,要在细读全文的基础上,结合背景知识、生活常识等推理、判断,从而获取文章中隐藏的信息。 ①What is called “food miles” according to this passage? ②Which of the following is true according to the passage?
根据语境和句子认真分析、推理,选出正确答案。 ①The underlined word enhance can be replaced by.. ②Which of the following is nearest/closest meaning to the underlined word? ③The underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean… 在文中找到线索或信息词; 根据周围熟悉的词的逻辑关系(并列,转折,递进,对比,因果)来判断新单词的意思; 根据上文(即语境)判断新词汇在特定句中的意思; 注意同义词、近义词、反义词、同位语、定语从句,相似或相反的结构等; 注意一些过渡词语,如that is,this is,in other words等,它们一般会直接引出同义解释。 ①It can be known from the text that.. ②From the text we know that.. ③The story implies that.. ④The paragraph following the passage will most probably be… ⑤The writer suggests that… 定位信息:过寻读找到相关信息点; 字面理解:理解相关信息点的字面意义; 深层理解:结合语境和常识,在字面意义的基础上进行符合逻辑的推断,从而理解作者的言外之意; 留意”suggest,mean,infer,indicate,conclusion,probably,likely,according to”等标志性词语。