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    广东普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试(专插本)写作部分满分为15分。要求考生根据所给的提示,用英语写一篇 100个单词的简短应用文,主要考查考生基本的英语应用文写作能力。考查涉及的应用文主要有信函、简历、申请书、通知、告示、请假条等。


    1、作文部分满分是15分,可按五档评分: 2分,5分,8分,11分及14分。

    2、评卷人员根据考生的作文,参照评分标准,在某一分数档次(如8 分)上进行加减分,即若认为稍优于或者稍劣于该分数档则可加一分(即9分或减一分即7分)。但不得加或减半分。


    2分—条例不清, 思路混乱,内容不明确,语言支离破碎,只有几个语句, 且大部分有严重语言错误。













    Dear Zhang Qiang,I'm very glad to hear that you have passed the entrance exam and been accepted by a famous university after studying for another year. I feel very proud of you and I believe you really deserve the honor since you have been working so hard.

    Do you still remember the happy tine we have had during our studying in the high school? We studied together, ate together even slept together. Although we will be studying and living in the different universities form now on, I believe that the friendship between us will be enduring as the universe.

    Having experienced the college life one year earlier than you, I want to give you some suggestions about the college life.Certainly, there are both similarities and differences between college and high school life. On the one hand, you have to go on working hard as there are many subjects for you to learn in details and will also monitor your learning performance, while in college, teachers work like tour guides and you have to find out your own ways to acquire knowledge and solve problems.

    Last, be optimistic. If you hope to adapt yourself to this new environment, you'd better be positive no matter what difficulties you will experience in your college life.

    May you adapt yourself to the college life as soon as possible!

    Congratulations again.

    Yours truly,

    Li Ming


    你叫李平,是学院学生会干部,获悉你的一位师兄王勇在毕业后工作仅一年,就被提升为公司销售部(Sales Department)经理,你写信邀请他来学院举办一场讲座,信的内容包括:消息的来源;表示高兴和祝贺;讲座内容(他成功的经验)。



    Dear Wang Yong,I am Li Ping, the cadre of the student union in English college. I am writing to invite you to give a lecture in our college.

    Last week, I heard form Teacher Gao, your English teacher in college, that you had been promoted to the sales manager of your company. Congratulations! We all feel happy for you. But I know you have just worked in your company for one year after graduation. As we have the same major, we want to know how you can do that in such a short time. So we would be very grateful if you could give a talk about your successful experiences.

    We look forward early to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.

                                           Yours truly,

      Li Ping


    假如你是一名大学新生,对社团活动很感兴趣,想申请加入某一校园社团(campus club or society)。请写一封申请书,陈述你加入社团的原因、你的优势、你以前的活动经历以及你对入社团后的活动有什么兴趣。


    Dear Sir,

    I heard from the notice that the English Club is searing for members. I'm interested in this campus society very much and want to apply it.

    I'm a freshman and my major is English. I have been interested in  English for many years and persisted in studying English since I was young. It' s my favorite subject all the time. 1 have made great progress in many competitions of English debate and composition, and through hard-working study and practice, I can speak English fluently I once helped my teacher organize many English activities in the high school, and received much praise and respect from my classmates. Once I enter the English Club, I will actively participate in various English activities and volunteer to plan and organize some new programs for English lovers.

    I hope to enter the English CIub sincerely. Look forward to your permission.

    Thank you!

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua


    你叫张新,与李明是好朋友,在不同大学读书。你得知他沉迷于(indulge in)玩网络游戏(on line game-playing),影响了学习,期末考试有几门课程不及格。请你给他写封信,说明沉迷于网游的危害,劝他珍惜大学时光,学好专业知识。



    Dear Li Ming,

    How are you? Although we are admitted to different universities, I always have concern for you deep in my heart. And I' m writing to you because I heard that you'd spent much of your time playing online games and had failed in several subjects in your final exam. I do hope that you will give it up.

    In my opinion, playing online games will do nothing but waste a lot of time, and affect your study. Time is so precious for us students at present that we should make good use of it to learn more knowledge instead of playing online games all day long. Besides, playing online games for a long time will do harm to your health.

    I do hope you will consider my suggestion, and stop playing online games.

    Yours sincerely,





    A Notice of the English Speech Contest

        An English speech contest will be held on June 8th at the university auditorium to memorize the Word Environment Day. Any full-time student in this university is entitled to take part in the speech. Students who are interested in the activity are required to mail a draft of his/hers to x x x @qq.con. The topic must focus on the world environment. The winner will be awarded the prize by the president of the university and will be recommended to take part in the English Speech Contest among universities in the district of Guangdong Province. For further information, please contact us at XXXXXX.

    The Students' Union

    May 8, 2015


    请根据自己的具体情况写一好简历去谋求一份教师职业,内容包括个人信息、教育背景和工作经历。还可包含事业目标(objective或career objective)、获奖情况(awards)和特长(special sills)等。



    Personal Information

    Name: Wang Ling

    Gender: Female

    Nationality: China

    Date of Birth: October 13,1990

    Phone Number: XXXXXX

    E-mail: Wanglng@qq.com

    Address: Zhongshan City.Guangdong Province

    Career Objective

    English Teacher

    Education Background

    2014.9—2016.6 Foreign Languages Dept. , Beijing Normal University, MA

    2010.9—2014.6 Foreign Languages Dept. , Sun Yat-sen University, BA

    Work Experience

    2013.6 —2013.8: work as anEnglish training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Guangzhou Branch

    2012.10—2013.6: work as the president of the Student Union of the School of Foreign Languages

    2011.6—2012.12:work as an English tutor in Guangdong Experimental High School

    Special skills

    handwriting, office software


    2014.3 TEM8

    2013.10 Senior Teacher certificate

    2012.4 TEM4


    2016.9 national scholarship

    2014.9 the first ranking scholarship

    2014.3“three-good” student

    2011.9 the second prize in ateaching skill competition in Beijing Normal University

    Self Assessment

    self-confident,optimistic, enthusiastic as passionate for education


    假设你是李明,最近参加了某旅行社(travel agency) 组织的一次旅游,但你对此旅游很不满意,请你向客服(customer service写一封投诉信,阐述投诉的原因(如:酒店,饮食、交通、及费用等),并提出你期待的解决办法。

    Suggested Answer:

    A Letter of Complaint

    Dear Customer Service,

    I am writing to tell you about a most unpleasant experience, that is , the service your travelagency offered last week made me disappointed.

    First and foremost, you had promised me a seven-star hotel before the trip began. However,I realized it was just a three-star hotel the moment I reached the destination. Besides, during mystay at your designated hotel, I believed the food provided was not fresh enough. Last but notleast, it took me about three hours to take a bus from the hotel to the nearest place of interest,which wasted me too much time.

    Isuggest that you look into this matter immediately, deal with it properly and make up formy losses.

    Your early reply would be appreciated.

    Yours faithfully,

    Li Ming


    假设你是李明,你们班将要举办一场毕业晚会,晚会节目丰富多彩,包括唱歌、跳舞、游戏等。时间:5月28日19: 30; 地点:教学楼502。届时班主任、任课老师和全体同学都来参加。拟邀请外教Robert参加,请你写一封邀请信邀请他出席晚会,并欢迎他表演节目


    Dear Mr. Robert,

    I’m Li Ming. Ourclass is going to hold a graduation party on May 28 in Room 502 of the TeachingBuilding. It would be pleasant to have you here. Will you join us?

    During the party,my classmates will give some performance in which I’m sure you will beinterested. The performances are of various forms including singing, dancing,games, etc.

    We really hopeyou will be there with us on this special occasion, since we have spent so manymeaningful hours together. The party will begin at 19:30. We are lookingforward to your participation in the pasty.

    Yours faithfully,

    Li Ming


    一家外资互联网企业将于2019年3月11日下午2: 30在我校大礼堂举办招聘会,请你代学生会写一份英文通知,通知内容包括以下几点:

    (1) 招聘会参与的人员;

    (2) 招聘会的时间地点;

    (3) 需携带的资料与证件(如身份证、个人简历以及英语应用能力考试合格证书等)。



    March 1st, 2019

    A foreign Internet company is going to hold a recruitment meeting. And the recruitment meeting will be held in the school hall at half past two on the afternoon of March 11th, 2019.

    Both the teachers and the students are required to take an active part in this meeting. What's more, all the students need to offer some basic information to the company when necessary, such as your ID card, your resume, the certificate of PRETCO and so on.

    Any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Do not be late or absent.

    the Student Union



    (1) 讲座时间为2020年6月15日下午两点半到四点,地点在三楼演讲厅:

    (2) 讲座嘉宾为王一博士,经济学教授:

    (3) 讲座主题为摆地摊与中国经济。


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